Headshot of mirabai singer, Lydia Lane Stout

Lydia Lane Stout

Lydia Lane Stout is thrilled to be singing with mirabai. She earned her Master of Music in Choral Conducting from Michigan State University in 2018 and her Bachelors in Choral Conducting from Oberlin in 2012. Between degrees, Lydia directed choirs at Chicago Children’s Choir, now called Uniting Voices. While in Chicago, she founded and directed common pulse, a professional vocal ensemble committed to innovation, as well as the Admiral Chorus, an ensemble for retired singers living at The Admiral at the Lake. In addition to her conducting positions, Lydia sang with Peregrine Vocal Ensemble and Wicker Park Choral Singers. These days, Lydia teaches private music lessons to students of all ages and stages and nourishes common pulse, an ever-growing community of artists.