Headshot of mirabai singer, Katy Green

Katy Green

Katy Green is in her final year pursuing a DMA in choral conducting at Michigan State University. Katy enjoys working with musicians of all ages and ability levels. She is the conductor of Campus Choir, an undergraduate mixed ensemble, graduate assistant for Mosaic, an auditioned treble ensemble at Michigan State University, and Chancel Choir Director at University United Methodist Church in East Lansing. As a guest conductor, Katy travels widely to conduct regional and state honor choirs, clinic middle and high school ensembles, and adjudicate choral festivals.

Katy began her choral teaching career at West High School and Romig Middle School in Anchorage, Alaska. After graduating with a Master of Music Education degree from Murray State University, Katy returned to Alaska to teach the choirs at Bartlett High School. She is a recipient of the Anchorage School District Denali Award, the Block Foundation Exceptional Teacher Award, a Grammy Music Educator of the Year nominee, an Alaska State Teacher of the Year nominee, and a three-time recipient of the Edward D. Anderson Choral Fellowship at Michigan State University.